Recently, the gaming community was shocked by a massive data breach targeting Game Freak, the renowned developer behind the Pokémon franchise. This cyber attack exposed a staggering 1 TB of the company's internal data, including sensitive information about employees, conceptual art, meeting minutes, and details about upcoming games.
The breach, which occurred in August but was only recently made public, has revealed several significant projects. One of the most notable disclosures is the existence of Pokémon Gaia, the tenth generation of Pokémon games, which will come in two versions: K and N. These games are set to be the successors to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Additionally, the leaked data mentions Pokémon Legends: ZA, a game that was originally planned for release in 2024 and will feature Mega Zygarde and Mega Zeraora. This game is currently in development for the current Nintendo Switch.
The leak also provided insights into other upcoming projects, including a new anime titled Project Reload, which has been in production since 2022, a sequel to the Detective Pikachu film, and a live-action Pokémon series for Netflix.
Another interesting revelation is the codename for the successor to the Nintendo Switch: ‘Ounce’. There is also a project named ‘Synapse’, described as a game similar to Splatoon.
The data breach has had severe consequences, affecting 2,606 current and former employees of Game Freak by exposing their personal information, including emails and names. In response, Game Freak has issued a statement confirming the attack and apologizing for the breach. The company has assured that the affected servers have been inspected and corrected, and new measures are being implemented to prevent future incidents.
Despite these efforts, there is an expectation that more information will circulate online in the coming days, particularly regarding the highly anticipated Switch 2. The incident highlights the importance of cybersecurity in the gaming industry and the need for robust measures to protect sensitive data.