Dragon Ball Daima is finally venturing into the Demon Realm, and the latest episode teases the vastness of this mysterious world as Goku and the Supreme Kai embark on a thrilling new adventure. After a few episodes of reacquainting fans with the classic duo and their friends, who have all been transformed back into children by Supreme Demon King Gomah's Dragon Ball wish, Goku and the Supreme Kai have set out to rescue Baby Dende from the clutches of the Demon Realm's ruler.
Although the Dragon Ball franchise has touched on demons and the Demon Realm in the past, it has never delved as deeply into this uncharted territory as Dragon Ball Daima is doing now. The Demon Realm is a complex and multi-layered world, comprising multiple realms separated by a strict class system, with each realm operating independently of the others.
The latest episode sheds more light on the inner workings of the Demon Realm, building on the premiere episode's revelation of how Gomah and Degesu warped into the outside world. It appears that traveling to the outside world requires multiple permissions, including a passcode and access to specific gates. Furthermore, travelers can only visit places authorized by their superiors in the hierarchy, adding another layer of complexity to the Demon Realm's dynamics.
The Demon Realm is comprised of three main worlds, each isolated from the others except for a select few with the necessary permissions and means to travel between them. The Supreme Kai is surprised to learn about the need for a passcode to enter the First Demon World, where Gomah resides, and must navigate the Third Demon World first. The separation of these worlds is a recent development, suggesting a significant event may have occurred in the past.
Each of the Demon Worlds has its own unique characteristics, with the Third Demon World differing significantly from the other two. The Glind, a proud and superior race, are tied to the Second Demon World, which may reflect the class divisions within the Demon Realm. A mysterious entity, possibly an active being, is maintaining the separation between the worlds through the Demon Tunnel, a pathway that once allowed demons to travel freely between realms.
As Goku and the Supreme Kai continue their journey, they will likely uncover more about the Demon Kings of the past and the events that led to the Demon Realm's current state. The separation of the realms is not without reason, and Goku's adventures may hold the key to understanding the mysteries of the Demon Realm.