The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered on PS5 Pro: A Significant Upgrade

The Last of Us Part 2, a game renowned for its gripping narrative and stellar gameplay, is set to receive a substantial boost on the PlayStation 5 Pro. This enhancement comes in the form of a new "Pro" mode, which promises to elevate the gaming experience to new heights.

New Pro Mode: 4K at 60 FPS

In this new mode, the game will run at a base resolution of 1440p but will be upscaled to 4K using Sony's advanced PSSR (Pixel Super Sampling Renderer) technology. This upscaling method, developed specifically for the PS5 Pro, ensures a smooth and high-quality visual experience at 60 frames per second.

Retaining Existing Modes

The PS5 Pro version of The Last of Us Part 2 will retain all the modes available on the standard PS5, including the performance and fidelity modes. However, the new Pro mode offers a unique blend of high resolution and frame rate, making it an attractive option for those seeking the best possible performance and image quality.

Enhanced Visuals and Performance

The game's visuals, already praised for their quality on the PS5, are further enhanced on the PS5 Pro. The lighting, character models, environments, and animations all benefit from the improved hardware, making the game look and feel more immersive than ever. This is particularly impressive given that the game's origins are rooted in the PlayStation 4, which had significantly less powerful hardware.

Additional Features and Improvements

In addition to the graphical upgrades, the remastered version includes new gameplay modes, such as the roguelike survival experience "No Return," and full integration with the DualSense wireless controller. These features, combined with the enhanced visuals and performance, make the game a compelling experience for both new and returning players.


The Last of Us Part 2 on the PS5 Pro is a culmination of image quality and performance, offering a seamless and visually stunning gaming experience. With its new Pro mode and retained existing modes, this version is a must-play for fans of the series and anyone looking to experience one of the best games of the last generation in its best form yet.